Captain Post Charter Checklist
1) rinse cockpit so it is free of hair, snacks, dirt
2) vacuum inside - remove hair, dirt, etc.
3) scrub transom to remove all footprints
4) scrub any marks off forward deck
5) wash any used dishes, dry and put away
6) wipe down counters, tables and other surfaces
7) empty trash from galley
8) empty trash from head and wipe down to remove hair, snacks, dirt
Please leave the boat as you would expect to find it as a charter guest
All Crew
- Plumbing allows for only clear liquids in sinks (except Catatonic galley and bar sink)
- Please tie hair back before boarding boats.
- Please remove shoes when boarding and rinse feet
Cleaning Crew Checklist
1) scrub bow (forward deck) w/ long-handled brush and deck cleaning soap.
2) lift seat cushions and scrub underneath to remove hair, etc.
3) remove floor coverings in cockpit and scrub underneath them with long handled brush and deck cleaning soap
4) clean head (bathroom) - wipe down floor, esp, around bowl. Make sure there are no hairs, dust, etc.
5) spray sanitizing cleaner on all surfaces, let sit a minute and wipe away
Ensure all items on Captain checklist are done and if not let us know and please complete those items as well.
Please leave the boat as you would expect to find it as a charter guest